Our new website is ready! Well, we still have to add pictures to the older posts, but apart from that, it is ready and since the beginning of this week, we have found our blogging routine again. After 7 weeks of hard work on our site, we are blogging again and soon we are traveling again as well!
Until the end of May, you will still have the possibility to access our site via this blog. Afterwards, this blog will be deleted. So, what are you waiting for? Go to Road Tripping Europe, hit the Subscribe button, confirm your email address and that’s it! Until now, only a dozen of you have done so and we can’t wait for the rest to join us! Liking, commenting, sharing with social media, … all that is possible on the new website as well.
Besides, we have a lot more to offer you:
- More pictures!
- New projects, like Transcending Borders!
- Shopping! Our posters are merely the beginning!
- Very soon: a free e-book!
- New destinations and adventures!
- Lars and I are experimenting with new social media, like Instagram!
Want to react? Do it on the new website or send an email (ingrid.dendievel@gmail.com)!