Upcycle Ideas Digest #2

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

Hey there. Here’s this weeks digest of fun and interesting upcycled and repurposed projects and their sources. Feel free to email me or comment with any questions or ideas that you have!

upcyceld sweater, savvy brown, sweater 3 ways

 1 Sweater/3 Ways

I found this ingenious project over on Pinterest. This young lady used one sweater to make 3 accessories! leg warmers, a headband and a cowl! This si ag reat thong t do with kids clothes since they grow out of them so fast! Check out the project here.

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1. Cabinet Pull Jewelry Organizer – This is a great idea. You can find pulls like these at ever hardware store and even IKEA. For a tutorial on this project click here. I did a similiar project without the pulls that you can find here.

2.Cereal box Desk Organizer –  Yes, those pretty little drawer dividers are all from cereal boxes. Check out she did it here.

3. Mason Jar Sewing Kit – I am going to do this project myself! The top is a pincushion, but you can keep your thread, needles and a pair of mini scissors inside! For the details click here.

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1. Twine Light bulb centerpieces – Yep, those are bulbs wrapped in twine made to look like pears. I couldn’t find the tutorial for the picture, but I found this one instead.

2. Glass Bottle Makeover – I love this one. This was once a Crown Royal bottle, that was sanded and painted and then sanded again…Wait. Just check out the tutorial here.

3. IKEA Mat Floor Poufs - These are $3 IKEA floor mats upcycled into lovely floor poufs. Check out this frugal diy here.

4. DIY Aluminum Lanterns – These lanterns are made from those decorative aluminum sheets that cover heat grilles. Cool huh? Here’s how it’s done.


1. Cookie Sheet Message Board – Yep. There’s a cookie sheet under that pretty fabric! This one’s from this Etsy shop. but you can can learn how make one similiar here.

2. Painted Folding Chairs – These folding chairs got a new lease on life with paint. Find out how they did it here.

3. Recycled Crayons – Make new crayons out of old broken ones! Find out how to do it here. 


1. Silverware Bracelets – These beauties were forks and spoons in another life. I couldn’t find a tutorial for the picture, but I did find this diy project here and an Etsy shop with something similiar here.

2. Popsicle Sunburst Mirror – Yep, those are popsicle sticks adorneing that lovely mirror. Figure out how they did it here.

3. Metallic Button Statement Necklace – This gorgeous necklace is actually made from buttons! find out how to do it here.

whew! That’s it for this week…oh wait!

(How big WAS that sweater anyway? LOL)