Untouched is the Soul

By Saurabh2461986 @saurabhslounge

Untouched is the soul
Wherever it goes
Boundless yes it is
Complete in itself as a whole
The temptations, the lust
Are merely the body’s desires
Which go away so easily
After the body is reduced to dust
From far away above
A shooting star appears
Resembling a bullet on fire
Look closely, it’s a beautiful dove
Untouched is the soul
Of the gentle touch of the flowers
Or the mighty whips of wrath
Hell or heaven is its ultimate goal
Of all the skirmishes
Or all the kisses
Free from all the feelings
Only one, a guilt which blemishes it
One mourns, Other prays
For the peace of the dead
Expressing the lament, it is burnt
But the soul still stays
Untouched is the soul
Decide where you want to be
Stay free. Forgive and forget the guilt
Living without it, is nothing but a hole.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. We give out themes for creative writing each weekend for Indian bloggers.