Reason for a New Profile
My previous profile did not work out as it was based on a POI I will name POI-1 who has now been ruled out and completely cleared. I see nothing wrong with basing profiles on a certain POI. Someone needs to tell me why this is a terrible idea.
He was suspected based on a striking resemblance to the Delphi Unsub and a very strange and rather creepy Facebook page with photos of a menacing man, bodies of water and railroad bridges. There were two photos of the Monon Bridge where the Delphi crimes occurred, and in one photo, the POI was wearing what appeared to be exactly the same clothing as the Delphi Unsub.
This man’s photos have been widely distributed to stunning effect, with quite a few people saying that the Delphi Unsub has to be him. Others point out problems with stature, the nose and the shape of the face. I actually agree with this criticism of POI-1 and it is good reason to rule him out.
The man’s family history regarding his children does not make sense at all. It appears his parents do not even exist. Nor do any siblings or half of his children. Many of his relatives do not acknowledge his existence, and he does not acknowledge theirs. Early photographs of POI-1 obtained from freshman and sophomore years in high school were highly disturbing, showing a teenager who appears disturbed and looks like a violent criminal. He has only one friend listed on his Facebook page, an old military friend.
In addition, POI-1’s behavior has been rather odd, baffling, senseless and a bit suspicious since these crimes. He has made some very odd statements. Briefly put, he has involved himself in this investigation of this crime from the start and his behavior in the investigation is strange and makes no sense at all. Assuming he is innocent of this crime, I do not have the faintest reason why he is acting this way.
Detectives were stunned when they saw his photos and regarded him as a good suspect, mostly because he more closely resembled Unsub than any suspect investigated so far. Nevertheless, detectives state that POI-1 has a rock-solid alibi for the period of the abduction, and therefore, they are clearing him.
In spite of oddities in his history and relationships, POI-1 had a long military career that was apparently uneventful and successful. He has been retired for a few years now, and his retirement has been uneventful. He appears to be a bit of a railroad fanatic, and he spends a lot of his time visiting railroad museums and in particular railroad and covered bridges, which both fascinate him. This fascination with railroad bridges was part of what aroused suspicion because the crime was committed on a railroad bridge. He owns a large house on significant property. His marriage appears quite stable and his pleasant-appearing wife adores him. He has quite a good relationship with his son at least.
I am not going to name POI-1, as I do not with to add to whatever harassment this innocent man may have received over this crime. At any rate, his name is well-known as his photos and Facebook page have been posted and discussed in some of the Internet groups related to this crime.
If any of you know the Delphi suspect that I am talking about, please leave this poor man alone. He had nothing to do with this case, and there is no evidence that he has ever committed a serious crime in his life. At age 52, he has completely clean criminal record. The only blemish on his record is a single bankruptcy. He’s guilty of no worse a crime in life than looking very creepy and frightening.
Why an innocent man who has never committed a serious crime in his life wants to go around looking like Ted Bundy X Zodiac X Unabomber, I have not the faintest idea. If you are not a psycho violent criminal, then why spend your whole life looking like one? What’s the point? Trying to scare people? I don’t get it. Perhaps this POI has some internal demons that he is wrestling with that causes his frightening appearance, but in any case, there’s no evidence that he has acted on any dark thoughts he may have. If he wishes to deal with his demons, I would recommend therapy.
Reasons to Link the Delhi Unsub to the Evansdale Unsub
I believe the Delphi, Indiana double homicide Unsub was involved in the Evansdale, Iowa double homicide of two girls aged 8-10. They also disappeared in the woods in a park named after five bridges, which are all in the park. There may be railroad bridges there also. They were also found by a stream as in this case. They were dumped in another regional park 20 miles away. The bodies were discovered in very poor condition near a stream. The bodies were in such poor condition that there was no way to determine whether the girls had been sexually abused. Neither was it possible to determine mode of killing.
However, if the MO in Delphi was throat-slitting, perhaps it was in Evansdale also. As at least one of the Delphi girls was raped, the Evansdale girls were probably sexually abused too. As Unsub is a pedophile, it makes little sense for him to abduct girls only to murder them. His primary motivation in these crimes is sexual and sexual assault is surely a necessary factor in his attacks. He is also motivated by homicidal tendencies. I believe he kills the girls for a sadistic thrill rather than to get rid of witnesses. Part of the whole reason for abducting the girls is to kill them.
Here are the commonalities between the two cases:
- Bridges, especially railroad bridges.
- Bodies of water, especially streams.
- Small regional parks with the above in them.
- Young girls aged 8-14.
- Pairs of girls.
- Attacks occur on the 13th of the month, perhaps because 13 is an unlucky number. So it’s the “unlucky day” for the girls who his victims. He thinks this is funny as he has a sick sense of humor.
- Same general region of Iowa and Indiana, about 350 miles east to west.
- Body dumps near streams
- Probable rape or sexual abuse in both case. Present at Delphi, probable at Evanston.
New Profile of the Evansdale-Delphi Serial Killer
Unsub is aged 50-60 based on his photos, voice and other things. Roundabout let’s call it ~55.
Unsub has white hair and is balding. In the past, he had stringy long blond hair, but his hair has gone white and balding in what seems to be a fairly short period of time. This may be due to the stress of his new career as a serial killer.
He had a goatee and mustache in recent years, but lately he has shaved most of it off except for a mustache and bit of a goatee.
Unsub has altered his appearance since the Evansdale murders. In the past he had long blond hair, a mustache and a goatee. He has altered his appearance since the Evansdale killings by shaving off the beard.
I do not know if he altered his appearance after the Delphi killings.
In the past, Unsub was often smiling and seemed happy go lucky. He looked harmless enough. He was molesting children, but he was not violent yet, so his face remained open and friendly.
In recent years, Unsub’s face has gotten angrier. He has been slowly developing an air of menace and threat in recent years. This is because he has been transforming from a nonviolent pedophile into a violent pedophile. While in the past his fantasies were about noncoerced sex with children, they have now turned much more violent, and now he mostly fantasizes about rape and murder of girls age 8-14. Why he changed from a nonviolent to a violent pedophile is not known. This transformation can be seen most markedly after the Evansdale murders.
Unsub has been paunchy for most of his adult life from age 40 on. For part of the past few decades, he became quite heavy. His excess weight mostly went to his width, so now he looked something like a football lineman. At other times during this period, he lost quite a bit of weight. He has retained somewhat of a paunch since at least age 40. From 2012-present, he has remained with this thinner frame, but he retains a paunch to this day. The paunch can be easily seen in the photo of Unsub on the bridge.
Unsub, in addition to being a pedophile, is also sexual sadist. How he worked his sexual sadism into his noncoerced activity in the past is not known. He has been a sexual sadist since no later than age 14, but he has probably been repressing the sexual sadism for most of his life in order to have noncoerced sex. At some point in at least the last five years, this control has broken down, and now his sexual sadism is no longer repressed. This has coincided with an increasingly menacing look to him.
Unsub is not a happy serial killer. Instead he is a tormented one. Since the Evansdale murders, he has grown much darker. He has also aged prematurely and looks much older than he did even a few years ago. His smile is gone and has been replaced by a look of sadness and especially rage. Now he looks downright mean. His friends have reacted to this by telling him he has aged. Others say things like, “Cheer up! Smile!” Somehow this double homicide aged him and made him much sadder and angrier. This means that the Evansdale killings significantly stressed him out. Even though these crimes stress him out, he continues to commit them. That is because he is driven in some way to commit these crimes. It is now a sort of addiction. He is addicted to rape and murder.
Unsub has few hobbies other than pedophilia. I believe he likes to hang out in local places like taverns, coffee shops, pool halls, etc. Here he likes to relax with friends and shoot the bull.
Unsub’s writing appears somewhat uneducated. He makes some spelling and possibly punctuation errors. However, in his rural Iowa-Indiana area, he is about as educated as most people he knows, as most of them write about as poorly as he does.
Unsub’s employment is hard to ascertain. I believe he works with his hands in some sort of a working class occupation. Perhaps he repairs objects in some way. He is quite good mechanically.
His IQ is not particularly high. It is probably ~105-110, but he acts less intelligent than that. This can be seen in his poor writing style.
Unsub graduated from high school. He has at least some college education. He may have even graduated from college, or perhaps he went for a while and then quit. Unsub is not good at completing scholarly tasks. He starts them and then quits, or takes a long time to fulfill his educational goals. For instance, he is the type of man who might take 10-15 years to complete a four year college degree if he completed one at all. He has a hard time sticking to tasks and has a tendency to drag things out. Why he does this is not known.
I believe Unsub is quite religious. He is a born-again fundamentalist Protestant Christian like so many in the surrounding area. He may have even gone to a religious college. He is very active in his local church, where he is regarded as a great man. He has a number of friends through this church. How he reconciles his strong religious faith with raping and murdering little girls is hard to figure.
Unsub is or was an attractive man. He had a sexy appearance in a sort of bad boy, devilish way. He appeared masculine and is handsome in sort of a tough guy way. Women in the local area were attracted to him due to his good looks. Even after age 50, he continued to attract attractive, sexy women all the way down to age 30. A number of the local younger women used to think he is “hot” or “cute.”
This has gone to his head somewhat, and he thinks of himself as a ladies man. He may be a nonpreferential pedophile. That means he is also attracted to adult females, and he may enjoy having sex with them regularly. Not all pedophiles are exclusive. Nevertheless, his sexual preference is for girls age 2-14. His attraction to adult females is lower than to little girls, but still be adequate for adult heterosexual functioning.
Unsub is a fixated pedophile and has been so since age 14 at the latest. His pedophilia is one of the major themes of his life. I do not believe he has been controlling his pedophilia, and I think he has been molesting girls for quite some time. He may have gotten quite good at it. I believe that many people do not realize that he is a pedophile. He is still close to some members of his family and their friends. They probably do not suspect him of being a pedophile.
Unsub is absolutely a pedophile, a heterosexual pedophile. I believe he likes little girls from age 2-12, mostly around age 6-10. However, 13 and 14 year old girls are not too far out of his AOA. Many pedophiles are also hebephilic, and it’s common for pedophilic AOA’s to include girls age 13-15 because these girls still have enough of a childlike quality to attract the pedophile. By age 16, most girls are simply too grown up for almost all pedophiles. On pedophile forums, when people try to post 16-18 year old girls, this causes much uproar and cries of, “Oh gross! No grandmas! Ew! No old ladies! Take that down, it’s disgusting!” I find this rather humorous. It’s hard to imagine grown men calling a 16 year old girl a “grandma” due to her “old age” making her look like a grandmother.
Unsub is married and has children. However, the marriage has ended, and he is now divorced. Relations with the ex-wife are not good. This is because his wife suspects him of being a pedophile and has a low opinion of him. She has tried to turn him in to LE, but that hasn’t gone anywhere. She accuses him of being a pedophile. She even accuses him of molesting specific girls, but that hasn’t gone anywhere either. If asked about this, Unsub probably says she is making this up as a bitter ex-wife. I believe his children may also suspect Unsub of being a pedophile. Nevertheless they continue to visit him in joint custody. I do not believe he has molested or currently molests his own children. The kids would tell their mother about it and the visitation rights would be revoked.
He has at least two children with whom he shares joint custody with his wife. I am unsure of how good his relationship is with his children. The children are minors. I am unsure of their age and gender.
He has used his residence at least once in this pair of murders to have sex with young girls. Whether he has had sex there with little girls at other times is not known.
If the Evansdale killer also did the Delphi killings, he traveled some distance for at least one and maybe both of these crimes. The killer lives in either Evansdale, Delphi or somewhere in between. I believe he lives somewhere in between. If we place Unsub’s residence is halfway in between Delphi and Evansdale, he traveled 150 -200 miles to commit these murders. That is about a 3-hour drive. He drove anywhere from 1-350 miles to commit these murders, which an emphasis towards the longer numbers. The rides to commit the murders were took anywhere from 10 minutes to 5.5 hours. He has no problem driving 5-6 hours to commit a double homicide and then returning home.
I believe that Unsub took one of these pairs of girls to his residence. It was there that he raped and tortured them. He may have papered over the windows and even soundproofed his residence in order to do this. Afterwards he cleaned his place up as thoroughly as he could.
Unsub does not have a lot of money. At age ~55, he still lives in a cheap apartment or a trailer or motor home. He may live in a trailer park. He is not homeless, but he does not have a lot of money either. The reasons for his relative poverty are not known. is residence has the appearance of a sparsely or poorly furnished bachelor residence. The walls are painted white with a white carpet. It is not even well-lit inside. The residence has a dim look about it, even in daytime. Now that he is divorced, he lives alone. He has little girls over at his residence from time to time, and he even has photographs of little girls playing or making faces in his residence. I do not know if he collects child pornography, but he has a significant collection of photos of cute little girls obtained in a variety of places. He has some photos of himself with a little girl or two next to him.
Despite his low income, Unsub continues to drive a fairly nice car, or at least he had one around the time of the Evansdale killings. At that time he was driving a new-looking car. This car may have been a compact. It may have been painted red. I believe he also has an SUV that he uses to do his crime. In the Evansdale killings, there was talk of a white van in the area where the girls disappeared. It was never proven to have any connection with the murders. Some people say they see a white vehicle in the photo of Abbie on the railroad bridge. I have never been able to see this vehicle in that photo no matter how many times I looked.
He’s going to lay low for a while. He won’t do any similar crimes in the near future. He’s not that stupid. Unsub seems to take these murders rather hard. They take their toll on him. He has not been sitting pretty since the Delphi murders. Instead he is highly stressed out. He is quite worried about getting caught now that they have a photo of him, a recording of his voice and a possible record of his DNA. He got away with the Evansdale killings easily, but this time he screwed up.
Despite the fact that Unsub is stressing out badly over this latest crime, he still has not left the area. He stayed in the area after the Evansdale murders and he won’t leave after these killings either.
I am not sure whether he has marks on his face or not from Libby’s fighting back. It’s possible. If so, people need to keep an eye out for a man who suddenly developed scratches on his face since the Delphi murders.