Unseen, Unheard

By Travellingartist @devtramp

“Unseen, Unheard” / Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea / June 2013

Me, I had to zoom five floors down from my hotel room window to the street below to capture this image — a mother and child selling a few things by the sidewalk on a late, rainy afternoon.  But I know that this gesture is never enough.  Aside from this fleeting attention I gave them, none will see or hear them amidst the chaos of the city street except those with a passing need of their items or  with plans of taking advantage of their weaknesses.

Later, I went to bed bothered then was awakened in the middle of the night by the loud noises and seeming violence on the street below. I staggered out of bed half awake and, through my glass window, quickly surveyed the spot where I found them.  I can figure out a number of drunks, some cars and a few hookers on the dimly lit street but can’t find them. They have gone to the safety of whatever they call home for the night.  That was my hope.

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