Unsacred Seed

Posted on the 26 March 2014 by Metal Wind @MetalWind1

What’s new, Metalheads! I bring you today an amazing Death Metal band from Canada called Unsacred Seed, which is going to release a new album entitled “Frontiers” on March 29th.

Unsacred Seed is a London (Ontario) based metal band which was formed by Stefan Perras and Andrew Murray in 2010 to create original, unique and demolisher Extreme Metal tunes. The band has melded the genres to create something unique, combining characteristics of Death, Black and Groove Metal and achieving a amazing Extreme Metal sound highly recommended.

The band released their self-titled debut album in April 2013 which has attained considerable interest and obtained many positive reviews from notable sources. This debut album contains eight songs in which we can find a fantastic Extreme Metal sound full of cool riffs and solos and growl vocals. In my opinion this is a very good debut album from these guys, in which we can appreciate the high technical quality as musicians. Fantastic songs like “Hundred Courts” with a groove sound very cool, the great “Wrath Of Providence”, “Son Of The Dragon” with amanzing guitar solos or “Chasing The Artifact”, are only a good sample of what we can find in this album, which I recommend you to check out on their Bandcamp page.

I think Unsacred Seed is really a great Extreme Metal band which you shouldn’t miss. These guys have been working hard to record their second album and now they bring us an amazing new album entitled “Frontiers”, which will be released next March 29th.

“Frontiers” is a concept album inspired by futurism, space travel, cosmology and SciFi. It is about the discovery of new worlds, species, and dimensions, all through the eyes of a Type 3 civilization. The album has been completely crowdfunded by fans of the band and metal enthusiasts around the world, as a result we can enjoy now a great full length album which I absolutely recommend to all Extreme Metal lovers.

The album contains eight powerful tracks with an original Metal sound which combines electronic and futuristic elements with a great Death Metal sound. With the collaboration of Ukrainian/Canadian producer KloneZ in the mix, these guys release a fantastic new album which takes a further step in the Unsacred Seed’s music.

With a sound more forceful than ever, “Frontiers” album is an amazing new brand full of pure dynamite. “The Gods Themselves” is a powerful track with an awesome brutal sound and great roaring choruses. Starting with an impressive intro, “Eyes Of The Universe” has technical Death Metal touches mixed with an atmospheric sound very cool and fantastic and forceful voices. “Artilects” is another great song with amazing guitars and some Black Metal touches in its sound, and “Higher Dimensions” is simply demolisher.

“The Watchers” is in my opinion the song with more Black Metal influences in the album and it has really a fantastic and brutal sound very cool and “Frontiers” track is a destroyer song highly recommended with really a great work in the programming, you can enjoy this powerful song by clicking the following link.

by MetalWind

I think definitely this album is a great Extreme Metal release which combines perfectly Black/Death Metal sound with futuristic programming elements, creating an original and explosive sound ready to shake the ground and burst the known Universe.

Ok guys, I recommend you don’t miss Unsacred Seed and its great music, you can pre-order “Frontiers” album here now.

You can also support the band voting for Unsacred Seed in the CBC Music Contest, help them get on the radio and get their name out there. You can vote until April 6th by clicking the following link. Thanks for the support. http://music.cbc.ca/#/artists/Unsacred-Seed

I send greetings to Andrew, thanks for the collaboration, and I send greetings to Unsacred Seed band, great sound, guys!

Enjoy and leave your comments! See you soon!

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