Unplugged Melody - Library Love & Punk Rock Aerobics

By Forevermelody
I'm sitting in the Library on 22nd Street in Midtown. It's in a huge Victorian house, the smell of old books hangs in the air as sun streams through the windows. It's so peaceful it almost makes me forget about my 8-day long battle for internet in my home.
While I checked my e-mail and tried to get caught up on the plethora web things, a bight red notice caught my eye, "Punk Rock Aerobics." Intriguing.
The notice read:
"Get your rock on and get hard core for a harder core through a variety of exercises designed to get your heart racing and your blood pumping. Work out will be led by the Liptstick Librarian (aka Jessica Zaker) of the rough-and-tumble Sac City Rollers roller-derby team."
And --- it's free! The classes take place in the West Meeting Room of the Central Library (828 I Street) 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Here's the schedule:
April 13 - Punk Rock Aerobics
May 11 - Hairobics (Hairband Aerobics)
June 8 - Punk Rock Pilates
July 13 - Heavy Metal Yoga
The classes are for adults, ages 18 or older. Registration is required at saclibrary.org, or by calling the Sacramento Public Library at (916) 264-2920, for more info check out meetup.com/altlibrary.

In unrelated news: the only place I've found in Sacramento that carries picture rail hooks is the Antique Company on X and 21st. He ships them over from England and sells them for $3.95 a piece.