This is something I’ve been pondering lately. Whether my degree, my single A4 certificate, is worth the approximately £38k worth of debt it’s cost me. Whether it was worth the tears and stress it caused. Whether, if I had the choice, I’d go back and do it all again.
My Voucher Codes has been looking into whether a degree is worth it, with some quite interesting results! With nearly 425,000 students having started university this year, it’s clear it’s still very much the popular option for post-18 education. They’ve had a look at what are students are getting for this money and how best to approach University so a student can achieve maximum return on their investments – have a read here.
Back when I applied and began university, a degree was the only way to get into the career I wanted, the career I have finally just begun. The year after they started taking on apprentices, and that’s continued. Typical – I know for definite had that option been available I’d have taken it.
Then there’s the experience, the qualifications. I went for a very applied course, which hopefully has cut my time to being fully qualified in half. I also did a placement year in the exact field I wanted. All things I hoped would help me get a job. I actually heard “you’re too experienced” and “you have too many exemptions” after final-stage rejections more times than I care to remember last year. Turns out you can be (and I don’t want to sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet here!) “too good” for graduate roles…
The university experience? Well as someone who doesn’t particularly like a lot of alcohol (more than one glass of wine sends me to sleep), I was never going to love it. I like my sleep, going out at 11pm isn’t really for me – that’s bedtime! Don’t get me wrong, I had some great nights in with friends, I don’t feel like I ‘missed out’ but I certainly wouldn’t have said the experience was worth it.
So yep, I have a piece of paper worth £38,000. I’ve gained two best friends, strengthened my relationship and learnt an awful lot of maths. At the end of the day I got my dream job, which of course makes it all worthwhile. But if you’re umming and ahhing about going? I’d strongly recommend looking into all other alternatives first!
*Collaborative post.
Do you think university was worth it? I love reading about other’s university experiences (check out Amy’s experience here – it’s quite similar to my own!) so I’d love to know if you think it was worth the money/debt!