Unique Wedding Invitations — Artemis Stationery

By Claire

Unique wed­ding invi­ta­tions by Artemis Stationery

unique wedding invitations Artemis (2)
unique wedding invitations Artemis (3)
unique wedding invitations Artemis (4)
unique wedding invitations Artemis (5)
unique wedding invitations Artemis (6)

Nathan and I share a story too… one of my ear­li­est calligraphy-related mem­o­ries is of writ­ing my home­work in my best friend Sarah’s hand­writ­ing at school. I got in trou­ble. On the Artemis Sta­tionery web­site Nathan men­tions get­ting in trou­ble “for draw­ing every­one else’s rab­bits after we had to write a short story about rab­bits” at school. A man after my own heart! This is how all the best wed­ding sup­pli­ers start out, don’t you know!

So I’ve cho­sen a few of my favourite designs from Artemis Sta­tionery to show you today. Do click through to the offi­cial web­site where there are many more, as well as insights into the design process and how to order.


More from Artemis Sta­tionery on Far From The Wed­ding Crowd Blog http://farfromtheweddingcrowd.com/2012/11/artemis-stationery/

If you’re a wed­ding sup­plier and have inspi­ra­tional designs or cre­ations to share with Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog read­ers, get in touch! info@english-wedding.com

Have a bril­liant day!

Claire xxx