Unilateral for Unilateral

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
I am not quite sure what the ramifications of the most recent United Nations vote against Israel are. I have read different things, but don't know what is accurate and what is hyperbole.
Perhaps this resolution is against Israel and the "settlements" in the same way that previous resolutions were - they are a basis for pushing Israel to broker peace but practically no ramifications personally on any given Israeli.
Or perhaps as some have written this makes all "settlers" engaged in criminal international activity and liable to be arrested when stepping on foreign soil - especially in most European countries. And, for this purpose, "settlers" would include anyone living in Gush Etzion, East Jerusalem including the Old City of Jerusalem, and many other parts of the country. Perhaps even people going to the Kotel to pray would be subject to such risks.
Either way, I would like to see some unilateral action in response. I would like to see Israel push Trump to make good on his promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem. I would like to see Israel annex the rest of Judea and Samaria, and I am not sure about tearing up the Oslo Accords, but I would definitely not be upset if that was done.
If the world will move unilaterally against us, it is time the right-wing government does what it was elected to do and ignore the world.
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