WARNING! This video is not for the squeamish! What is this creature? And is this what we've been eating lately? No. It's not. But somebody got really creative in a creepy way.
Posted by ThisIsJustALotOfCrap on Nov 26, 2010, this one-minute long video is a bit disturbing. Take a look before you read the next paragraph. If you are hesitant to watch the video, you can look at the info after the video and see if you'd like to see it afterall.
In my opinion this is the kind of video that you get when you cross a twisted sense of humor with some exceptional sculpting talent to make a great creepy movie monster. In other words, it's fake. Kudos to them for succeeding, however. The mouth alone made my stomach roll over! And the stamp on the side has me questioning what I just ate for breakfast...
So what do you think of this video?