Rewatching Kim Possible and Dragon Ball episodes lately... Feeling disheartened about the upcoming exams and due dates for research papers. I'm scared I'll lose my focus, or fail at managing all aspects of my life from University Fashion Club to work to upholding an appearance of a social life. But I know what to do whenever I feel stressed: have a smoke, read a book, eat something unhealthy and delightfully sweet, drink tea, take a nap, explore Hypem, rewatch T.V. shows and films from my wasted childhood, type up a blog post, sing a song, browse eBay, spend a terrible amount of money on eBay, cry about spending too much money, complain about spending too much money, plan my outfit for tomorrow, read my favourite blogs -- so many options.
Just don't lose yourself, and you're good to go, girl.
Oh that was just me talking to myself, I'm weird like that.