Understanding the Second Amendment

Posted on the 26 January 2013 by Mikeb302000
Commentary on Marco News
Somehow, the most hysterical voices against gun safety equate our duly elected leaders with tyranny. Because President Barack Obama thinks guns should be "well-regulated," he's become their enemy. For their most devoted defenders, guns have become a reflexive right. We have the right to own guns so we can have guns in case someone wants to regulate your guns.
The point of having guns isn't to have guns. We have guns to protect our selves and to hunt, but the reason they are constitutionally protected is to ensure "the security of a free state."
There's a word for those who would take up arms against our government, and it's not "patriots." If you have a gun to protect yourself against someone regulating your gun, then what you love isn't America, or freedom, but your gun.
A friend of mine fought in Iraq with the 101st Airborne. He says, "If people want to play with guns that badly, let them join the Army," which, when you think about it, is one kind of a well-regulated militia.