Understanding the Basics of Japanese Language Basics

By Tlb

Image via Wikipedia

Have you ever encountered something others think its simple but for you, it’s completely complicated? I did the title on purpose, actually. Because as far as Japanese language and its difficulties are concerned, there are certain learners who really find the basics of this language, even if it’s still basic, is still difficult to understand.

That’s why this article is created, especially for those who are having difficulties even the basics of Japanese language. Whether the learner is going to a language school or will still start to, understand the basics of the Japanese language is actually the most basic for learning.

Here are the most common Japanese phrases we will take as examples.




nice to meet you hajime mash’te はじめまして

good morning ohayoo (gozaimas’) おはようございます

good afternoon konnichiwa こんにちは

good evening konbanwa こんばんは

good night oyasumi (nasai) おやすみなさい

see you jaa じゃあ

goodbye sayonara さようなら

We will be tacking the first phrase and take the Romanji translation as the language used. To pronounce hajime mashite correctly, the “i” is not mentioned. The common greeting ohayoo, in its complete phrase is ohayoo gozaimasu. We notice that the “u” is not pronounced. . In general, when “su” is at the end of a word, “u” is never pronounced. The double “o” in “ohayoo” stands for continuation of the sound, like in “door” in English. The words in brackets can be omitted.

Here are more basic Japanese phrases. Care to detail its pronunciation by analyzing its Romanji and see how the Japanese translation strokes its characters.




How are you? Ogenki desuka? おげんき ですか?

I’m fine, thanks. Watashiwa genki desu. Arigato わたしは げんき です。ありがとう。

Thank you Arigato ありがとう

Please (requesting s’thing) Kudasai ください

Please (offering s’thing) Dozo どうぞ

Do you speak English/Japanese? Anatawa eigo/nihongo o hanashimasuka? あなたは えいご/にほんご を

Yes/no/a little Hai/iie/chotto はい/いいえ/ちょっと

So if you want to know more than just the basics, choose to learn Japanese in Japan. Search in our site for more details.