Understanding Contempory and Modern Abstract Art

By Yasoypintor @antoniobasso

Contemporary photography: abstract art based on inner primitivism.

When I first saw the following colorful pictures made by Hans Silvester I said to myself that I had finally understood the basis of my contemporary abstract art.

Hans Silvester, primitivism, origens, body art

As you are about to see, these Ethiopian Tribus de L´Omo are still close to nature, which is the same as being close to their inner origen, something humanity is loosing. As time goes by, civilizations move away from their true origins, and generally speaking, the further away we move the unhappier we become.

In this post, I show you some primitivism abstract art pictures, some modern abstract art paintings, and I try to relate this primitive art with the art of some modern painters.

Hans Silvester, primitivism, origens, ethiopia, body art

Take a look at the abstract pictures above and below. Do you see the apparent spontaneity, the basic palette, the simple decoration they make. It´s only lines. But, do they mean anything?. Is it a line or a symbol?

Hans Silvester, primitivism, origens, ethiopia, body art

Now take a look at the following ones….

What do you believe these symbols are?. Are they stars, rivers, roads, planets, trees. It´s great how these people try to mimic their natural and beautiful sorroundings. Don´t you believe this is pure primitive abstract art?

Now take a look at the following Joan Miró abstract surrealism painting.

Don´t you believe there are similarities between Joan Miro´s modern abstract art, and the one made by the L´Omo Tribus?. It´s spontaneous, it´s inner, it´s symbolic, it´s nature, it´s so simple that it becomes tremendously beautiful.

The above, is a sXX. modern abstract painting by Hans Hoffman. To me, his magnificent abstract art is close to the one make by these Tribus. It´s simple, it´s primitive, it´symbolic…

The above acrylic on burlap with strings painting is a Antonio Basso´s one (me). It belongs to his abstract painting series called Ties. It´s organic, it´s primitive, it´s symbolic, it´s inner. But let me tell you that as I saw Hans Silvester pictures, I better understood what I was trying to express. It is curious how this happens. Check this Barnett Newman video (he was one of the most admired american abstract expressionists), in which he explains what I mean.

To finish this post, I want to tell you that I´m glad we are all able to see Hans Silvester impressive photography (To see more click here). I believe they help us better understand our true origens.

What do you think about these photos? What do they make you think about?

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