Understanding a Rescued Dogs’ Behavior

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
rescued dogs
Lots of people would rather adopt puppies, no matter of the length of time and effort involved with nurturing them. For individuals who want to steer clear of the issues explained above, adopting adult canine may present a perfect option. - source
Each year, almost four million dogs in the US alone wind up in animal shelters and breed-specific rescue organizations; one half never make it out again. The reasons dogs end up in these situations range from the silly ones (he eats a lot) to the legitimate (his owner passed away).dog rescued- image sourceThe largest percentage of these dogs is abandoned because of “behavior problems,” most of which could be avoided by accepting the responsibilities that come with dog ownership—providing a nurturing environment with proper care, housing, and exercise. Although the majority of rescues make wonderful pets, many come with baggage.Check out Three Major Reasons to Adopt an Adult Dog.The most common problems with these rescued dogs are separation anxiety and, yes, over-protectiveness of the new owner.In some cases, separation anxiety is caused, or at least made worse, by an overly solicitous owner. As the owner prepares to leave the house, s/he makes a big fuss over the dog. Giving too much emphasis on you going out and leaving him all alone only serve to increase the dog’s anxiety at the expectation of being actually left alone.Additionally, new owners must remember that dogs live in the present and not the past. Being overly solicitous of a dog’s past experiences hinders rather than helps the rehabilitation process. Forget about the past and focus on making the present pleasant for the dog.