Underrated Technology We Should Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

Posted on the 19 November 2013 by Techdrink @techdrink1
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Technology to be Thankful for

Technology makes our lives simpler and our ability to use technology differentiates us from all other animals on the planet. Yet, we tend to forget about some of those basic technological marvels that keep us comfortable, efficient and connected. Many times, we don’t realize how much we actually depend on technology until that technology breaks or gets taken away from us. Take a moment to give homage to the technological inventions that if we didn’t have available to use would make this world a much more difficult place to live in.


Batteries provide the fuel for all of our mobile devices, computers, watches, curling irons and electric shavers. Without batteries, we would have no way of powering mobile devices. Batteries exist all around us, but we rarely notice them until we run out and need to go to the store at 3 a.m. to buy some batteries for the next day.

24-Hour ATMs

One needs to only leave the United States to appreciate that ATMs run 24 hours without needing time to rest. In many countries, the ATM goes to sleep with the sun and doesn’t wake up until morning. Many parts of Japan for example, the ATMs close down after a certain hour presumably so that if an error occurs with the machine, an attendant can help you. Luckily, ATMs are actually extremely reliable. Most people can’t remember a time when an ATM broke down and they were unable to get cash. Besides, even if you can’t access an ATM, you always have another technical marvel — the debit card.

Fiber Optic Internet

The internet is an obvious invention that we should be more than thankful for. Fiber optic technology, however, is often times disregarded. Fiber optic internet from Verizon Internet and AT&T makes our busy lives stress free. There’s something comforting about an internet provider that operates at lightening fast speed.  The days of slow, aggravating internet services are long gone and we have fiber optic technology to thank for that.

Messaging Systems

The ability to stay connected virtually anywhere is truly profound, yet many of us take the ability to log in to Facebook or fire up our instant messenger to chat with friends for granted. Text and video-chat cost virtually nothing and only require an Internet connection. In the past, you may have received a charge for calling your next door neighbor, now most communications cost little to nothing and are more convenient than ever.

Mobile Devices

Forget the fact that you can take your laptop with you wherever you go and access several free, or low-cost mobile hot spots to stay connected. Let’s talk about the size of your mobile device. Many devices such as the iPhone or Android can literally fit in the palm of your hand and can hold a library of books and audio that used to require an entire room. When you consider that you can also use these devices to send an email on the train, keep a tab on your fitness goals and take pictures of that cute kitten to post online; there is no doubt that we greatly underestimate the power that mobile computing has had on us. And, if by some chance you lose your device, you can likely locate it with another computer using GPS and a simple online interface.

This Thanksgiving, while you’re scarfing down your turkey and mashed potatoes, take some time to sit down and really appreciate these simple yet revolutionary inventions that make our lives as easy as pie. These five underrated innovations should never be taken for granted.

Michelle Smith is a freelance writer with a focus on technology. She can be found typing away on her laptop in sunny Boca Raton, Florida. Michelle welcomes your feedback via email

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