Underfloor Heating System

By Futli @futlim

Underfloor Heating Systemat low temperature (55 º -45 º), comfortable and healthy working uniform heating which is a form of heating. More economical than heating with radiators. 35% fuel savings, average for the entire base of the building for heating the building to remain dry, thus preventing moisture and bacteria will occur. Polystyrene foam is used to heat and sound ins

Underfloor Heating System

ulation between floors is provided. Large areas of the cost of the investment grows at the surface of the opposite foot and mouth decreases. In other words, schools, hospitals, mosques, such as large buildings, where space is cheaper than heating. High cost of investment in the world market floor heating is not provided on site for ease of implementation and comfortable heating market share increases with each passing day. Collectors as a novelty introduced by the application of sophisticated thermostatic valves and room thermostats in rooms or any room it is possible to keep a separate temperature. Thus, each scene of a building is heated by underfloor heating temperature may be the user wants. Thus, the comfort, as well as fuel economy is achieved. Underfloor heating in all the forms of heating such as for the material (pex. pipes) and the right project (space heating accounts spesfik appropriate) can be overcome with.