Under Construction

By Cleskowitz @cleskowitz

Exciting things are coming to Carrie Leskowitz Interiors and Carrie's Design Musings.  Design From Within is a new website, a new look, a new message that not only encompasses great design, what's new and noteworthy, artisans that inspire, entertainment and travel, but also living more creatively and mindfully.  We will forge a path to "Live Beauti-FULLY."  This includes not only what your home looks like or what it says about you, but also the inner dialog.  Limiting beliefs, or the thoughts and feelings that you hold onto, that hold you back from living your best life full of passion and promise often times are reflected in your home and vice versa.  You can manifest a peaceful retreat for your mind, body, and spirit by getting clear in the areas that might be causing you some dissatisfaction.   Think of it like a makeover for your Home, Head, and Heart.
Design From Within communicates ~ Our living space is mirrored by our inner space.
I am really excited!  Follow along and look for in the fall launch.