Un Tableau Vivant – Patisserie

By Edithlevy

I’m sure that you can tell by some of the pictures that I’m posting that I’m attracted to these type of scenes when I travel. This is another one from Paris and I love capturing a scene of everyday happenings in a place that I’m visiting. I was visiting Andy’s LensScaper blog the other day where he posted some images taken from a train. Someone made a comment that described one of the images as a Tableau Vivant and then it hit me….those are the scenes that draw me in.

A Tableau Vivant is a “living picture”, an image that forces the viewer to stand back and take in all the details of the tableau. This type of photographic art draws you in to the picture and holds you’re attention as you studying the individuals at the tables. I know it makes me ask certain questions or make certain assumptions. The gentleman in the forefront is checking his mobile phone. Is he on a break from work? Who is he chatting with? What are the two ladies in the far left talking about? Look at the body language of the man and the woman in front of the restaurant. Did they just have an argument?

Question for you….does the image elicit the same types of questions from you?

Click on the image to see a high resolution version (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.