Ulcerative Colitis Natural Remedies- Top 4 Herbs

Posted on the 22 July 2016 by Dr Vikram Chauhan @Planetayurveda9

Introduction: In a simple language, it is ulcer (boil) in colon (large intestine). An auto-immune disorder resulting inflammation in bowel, hence the name inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The large intestine is affected by inflammation on advancement causes ulcers or boils on the lining leading to bleeding and mucous pus during emptying the bowels. The disease covers all age groups ranging from 15-70 and in both sexes.


The research team haven't found the exact cause for ulcerative colitis. Many can be the factors contributing:

  1. Rectal tenesmus - unnecessary feeling of defecation
  2. Anemia
  3. Pain in abdomen
  4. Bloody diarrhea
  5. Weight loss
  6. Loss of nutrition
  7. Mouth and skin sores
  8. Nausea and vomiting
  9. Edema and pain in joints


  1. Total blood count- RBCs, WBCs, Platelet
  2. Endoscopy or sigmoidscopy
  3. Stool culture/ testing
  4. Urinalysis
  5. X-ray
  6. Liver functions

Ayurvedic approach for ulcerative colitis:

Comforting many diseases from many years, Ayurveda has its own ways treating major population worldwide efficaciously and economically acting on root cause instead of symptomatic relieve.Relieving from discomfort from ulcerative colitis the following are the herbs that stand as an answer.

The following are the Ulcerative colitis natural remedies used in treating the ailment:-

Ulcerative colitis herbal supplements as this churana with magnificent properties for cure contains the following herbs:-

Holarrhena Antidysenterica:

Kuruchi bark, bitter oleander, widely grows in mountain area and and ornamental belongs to family Apocynaceae. The herb's seeds and bark is widely used as bitter tonic. Used mainly in diarrhea and bowel related disorders. A febrifuge, anthelmintic, diuretic also used in skin diseases. The bark consist of many alkaloids, namely kurchine, kurchicine, conkurchin are responsible for anti- diarrheic properties.

Aegle marmelos:

Bael a religious tree of India also known as Golden apple, wood apple belongs to family Rutaceae. Having laxative and purgative properties, is widely used in digestion. Bitter tonic used for halting diarrhea and dysentery. The active ingredients consists palmitic acid, stearic acid,linoleic and linolenic acid,xanthotoxin, scopoletinhaplopine and aegelinol, are found in bark of the tree and roots.

Foeniculum vulgare:

Fennel or saunf belonging to Umbelliferae is a household aromatic condiment having carminative property. Foeniculoside is the active ingredient extracted. The sterols present increases digestion.

Coriander sativum:

Cilantro or dhaniya from Apiaceae family, both dried seeds and fresh plant has medicinal properties. It mainly has digestive properties along with bonus of anthelmic , appetizer, astringent properties.

Dosage:1 teaspoon twice with water after meal.

An ulcerative colitis herbal supplement having excellent property:

Belonging to family Combretaceae, is a wonder tree, treating cardiovascular related disorders from ages. An anti-oxidants strengthens cardiac muscles and acts as rejuvenator. The flavonoids extracted from the bark like leteilin, arjunone maintains the heart strong. Bark rich in minerals found abundantly like calcium,magnesium, copper and zinc that are essential for healthy heart. An astringent, an expectorant, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Helpful in Cardiovascular disorders like ischemia, myocardial infarction. Decreases the harmful LDL levels and maintains the HDL level in the blood Arjuna takes care of Hypertension by strengthening and toning cardiac muscles for a strong heart.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice with water after meals.


Pitta dominates all the heat in the soul and body. It stimulates digestion and metabolism. Proper functioning of the eye, healthy skin and purification of blood. For maintaining the Pitta balance, the following herbs are used.

Coral - the marine organisms found abundant at the bottom of the sea are having supreme powers to strengthen, soothing, and providing nutrition to maintain the pitta balance.

Agate - a fine bright colored precious stone may be found related to volcanic or metamorphic rocks. It is a cardio tonic helps in balancing pitta.

Jawar pishti - ayurvedic fine powder, proved to protect from disease and maintain healthy body by balancing pitta.

Kamdudha Ras - a mixture of herb and mineral product, highly recommended in pitta dosha. It main ingredients consists of giloy extract Tinosporia cordifolia,red ochre (red sandy pigment) and Silica bhasma.

Pearl - a gemstone, rich in calcium and a cardio tonic helps in maintaining pitta balance.

Giloy - Tinosporia cordifolia,an immunomodulator has a vital role in maintaining all three energy balances that are vata , kapha, pitta.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with water after meals


A tablet with mixture of excellent herbs is widely used to treat ulcerative colitis. The mixture consists of Aconitum heterophyllum (India Atis, atvika) used in various disorders and Holarrhena antidysenterica(kuruchi bark) widely used as diarrhea and bowel related disorders.

Dosage: 2 tab twice/thrice daily with water after meal