UKIP MEP Louise Bours Wants to Bring Back the Death Penalty. Quelle Surprise.

Posted on the 13 August 2014 by Neilmonnery @neilmonnery

Why a UKIP MEP is sending me a Press Release I’ll never know. Maybe so I’ll write about it on this very blog and in that case her devious plan has worked. Although a) I doubt it was devious and b) I doubt she has any idea who I am but still here we are.

So yes, using the 50 year anniversary of the last execution in the UK, Louise Bours has decided now is the time to get the national debate going about the death penalty. She fired out the following e-mail to many people seemingly:

“The public are fed up with the government’s concentration on the rights of the criminal, and are demanding the rights of victims and their families should take priority.

“The death penalty won’t bring back a tortured and murdered child, but it seems natural justice that the family will know the killer has paid the ultimate price and isn’t still breathing when their child is not.

“An innocent child has more of a right to life than the monster that took their life, so I see no ethical reason why we are obliged to keep him alive.

“Why should double cop-killer Dale Cregan be kept alive, after shooting them more than 8 times and using a hand-grenade. His crime wasn’t impulsive or emotional, he lured them in with a fake 999 call and he’d killed two other people prior to that.

“Paul Bone, the father of murdered WPC Fiona Bone agrees that the death penalty should be brought back, and as his life has been devastated by a cold-blooded killer, I think his views should be listened to.

“The killers of Lee Rigby despise the UK and want to kill us all, yet we have to use tax-payers money to keep them alive and well in prison, and look after their ‘human-rights’.

I do love the fact that human rights is in inverted commas. Yeah those humans having their human rights. However the key issue is what she says with regards to Paul Bone. She believes that his views should be taken into account with regards to what should happen to the person who took away his loved one. What would happen if say a husband or a wife was pro death penalty but a mother or a father was against? Whose opinion should carry more weight? Should people who have been wronged have first dibs with regards what should happen to the person who wronged them? That to me sounds like a very slippery slope.

Look, I make no secret that I am anti death penalty, always have been and always will be. Taking a life is wrong and two wrongs do not make a right. That is something that many of us have had drummed into us throughout our upbringing. I still firmly believe this. I know many people are pro death penalty but only for those who are beyond doubt guilty, at what point do we go from not guilty or guilty to not guilty, guilty or guilty guilty?

Also she makes a distinction between the right to life. Some people have more rights to life than others. Therefore she doesn’t believe that we are all created equal. That is something I have a huge issue with. I am no better or worse as a human than the next person. I may be better or worse at many things but in terms of being a human and my right to live – I don’t see myself as better or worse than anyone else.

So a UKIP MEP is all for bringing back the death penalty. This is probably not exactly a huge surprise. Apparently she was on Question Time and was more shouty and aggressive than Joey Barton and Piers Morgan. Again that doesn’t surprise me. UKIP seem to believe that those who shout loudest have the most important things to say and by the sounds of it Louise Bours fully endorses that philosophy so I think we’ll have to be prepared to listen to her for many years yet. As for her views on the death penalty, she is fully entitled to them, I vehemently disagree and on this issue I morally will always do so.

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