UK Wedding Magazines: The Review: Perfect Wedding

By Claire

Perfect Wedding magazine came joint fourth place in my review of UK wedding mags. It’s one of the handbag sized magazines and despite me losing it twice I managed to finish my review!

Perfect Wedding magazine: a review

Issue compared: March 2011
Cover price: £2.99

  • 260 pages
  • 22 pages of real weddings
  • 21 pages of advice
  • 15 other non-selling pages (contents etc)
  • 79 pages of product ideas
  • 123 pages of advertisements
  • 47% of the magazine pages are ads

UK wedding magazine review Perfect WeddingSomething that matters to me a lot (is it just me?) is page numbers. In magazines the contents list at the front is numbered, you read it, flick through and try and find the page you want… and Perfect Wedding keeps the numbers going so you can find stuff! It’s one of few wedding magazines with good page numbers. Boring maybe, but I got so frustrated with some of the others trying to find features inside, this was a refreshing change!

Advice features in Perfect Wedding magazine included bridesmaid dilemmas – very much real life dilemmas about solving arguments (but I hope no one really has that many arguments with bridesmaids).

DIY tips from real brides was easy to read in little bits on the way to work, and the tips were very affordable ones. I think the handbag sized magazines are written quite simply and intended to be read in little pieces, so all of the articles are brief and get straight to the point.

I enjoyed the little article about wedding dresses because it was about alternative wedding dresses: a vintage dress, a bespoke dress, a classic but unusual dress and one SATC inspired wedding dress story. Nice.

Other features included quite thorough wedding planning advice, and some basic lingerie tips by Rigby & Peller – a quick article by a great brand.

The wedding planning section at the end of the magazine gave a very brief overview of religions & legal aspects, and quoted an average wedding budget of £19,800 – which felt a little on the high side for this wedding magazine.

There was a brief mention of grooms – 13 Things to Ask Your Groom was tongue in cheek – funny in the same way Loose Women is!

Perfect Wedding is just right for a handy wedding magazine – great to read in small doses, lighthearted and helpful.

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