UK to Help End Global Hunger at the GT Summit 2013

Posted on the 12 June 2013 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

This weekend 17th to 18th June 2013, the UK will host the GT summit in Northern Ireland, where the world’s most powerful leaders will meet, so last Saturday 8th June, 45,000 IF campaigners packed Hyde Park in London to make a massive noise in demanding that G8 leaders take action to end global hunger. This Saturday 15th June will see the BIG IF in Belfast too…

A few weeks ago I posted about the Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign with their fantastic video showing how climate change causes hunger and how the money that the UK and other G8 governments pledged as aid to help poor communities cope with climate change, can help mums and dads put food on the table for their children – you can view my post and watch the video again here:

It’s hard to face facts that nearly one billion people go to bed hungry every night and two million children die from malnutrition every year. Hunger is still the great scandal of our age. All around the world, even in the UK, people are struggling to feed their families. The G8 is our best opportunity to tackle hunger and make our UK and world leaders keep their promise.An important part of the G8 Agenda under Transparency includes:

  • Support measures to ensure responsible use of land, fisheries and forests in the interests of national food security
  • Encourage sustainable investment and management of land resources and increased global transparency of resource-extraction

I was one of the 5,000 people who also signed postcards by IF allies RAW (brought to you by Compassion in World Farming) to reserve our ‘virtual place’ at the G8, calling for the UK, as G8 host, to lead us away from ‘grain-hungry’ factory farming and support smaller-scale farmers in developing countries.

There’s loads more on the connections between factory farming, hunger and climate change on the RAW website

Check out the RAW infographic below too on why factory farming is bad for people, animals and the planet, and maybe consider taking one simple action yourself, TODAY, to help end world hunger : by eating less meat (and make sure its free range of course)! There’s loads more ideas on simple Food Lifestyle Changes on the IF website too at:

UK to help end global hunger at the GT Summit 2013

Remember that every small step today we take as individuals and families, towards a more sustainable life even simply through our food and energy use choices, can make a huge difference to our fellow human beings and even the whole planet!