UK National Arrested by Taliban in Kabul

Posted on the 10 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

A British citizen has been reported missing in Afghanistan after being arrested by the Taliban in Kabul.

Grant Bailey, an NGO worker, was detained amid a security crackdown in the capital, the Daily Mirror reported.
The reasons for his arrest haven't been made public.

The British Foreign Office said that an disquisition into the incident has been opened.
A spokesperson said " We're apprehensive of the detention of a British public in Afghanistan and have been in touch with their family to support them."

Bailey is believed to have returned to Afghanistan in September shortly after the Taliban preemption of the country.
A Foreign Office source said " We were relatively surprised he went back to Kabul after the Western pullout, as the security situation there's obviously much worse.

Added to that, the Taliban government is making it veritably delicate for the many expats working there, making it veritably delicate to travel.
A lot of people are trying to get to the bottom of what has happed to him, where is being held and under what charges."

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