UFOs Over Port Moresby?

By Travellingartist @devtramp

Strange shapes appeared in this photo taken from my hotel room in Port Moresby

My only intention in taking these photos was to capture the stunning sunset as viewed from my 5th floor hotel room in Port Moresby — not to create another UFO controversy (I think my photography is getting appreciated enough and I don’t need to make a controversy to be noticed). In fact I only saw these strange shapes when I started processing the photos several days later when I have already checked out from the hotel and already left the country.  But having unintended shapes appear in my photos has never happened before and  it is quite intriguing.

They are probably reflections of room lighting but they are shaped like the common image of UFOs.

The only possible cause for the shapes are the lights inside my hotel room being reflected on the window glass (I was shooting through the window glass).  My problem is, I only remember pin lights in my room similar in shape to those on the second photo, not that spherical shape on the first one.  Could it be another reflection on my camera lens?  But I was probably too close to the window for that to happen.  The only way to verify: take another set of photos in the same room using the same angles and under similar light conditions.  That can be done only when I go back to Port Moresby or if somebody is already there and has access to my hotel room.  Room 524, Crowne Plaza — anybody?

7.064444 125.607778