U Can Win…..Tomorrow

By Urbanbushwoman @urbanbushwoman9


So someone special put a bug in my ear about something special coming up tomorrow. Celebration Church in Long Reach is hosting a Community Resource day. And since this is Healthy Howard and I’m kinda health-focused my eyes immediately sought out the health components to this day. There are several. Fitness demos, health screenings, and nutritional lessons. Oh! And they have men’s health focus going on. EXCELLENT!!

Not interested in another health fair? Ok. Go for the financial wellness tips or the beauty and grooming advice. Stop by for the chance to see what resources are available in the community (there will be 36+ organizations represented. Surely one of them will pique your interest). Or just check in to meet the wonderful people at Celebration Church. It’s ok if your visit is brief. They know you have a busy day.

What’d you say? Are you in? Can they count on you to breeze in for a moment of your time? I certainly hope so. Please support Celebration Church’s U Can Win Community Resource Day.

Celebration Church 6080 Foreland Garth Columbia, MD 21045
