Typical American

Posted on the 18 June 2014 by Calvinthedog

Some rightwing moron wrote:

only republcians are good, communism is shit socialsims is not possible so only republcans can ensure a strong government capitalism and right wing economics only succeeds all the left wing is useless even china has improved only eafter embracing republican right wing capitalistic policy left wing will leave countries stranded like cuba bolivia with out any progress.

Basically a typical American. Surely a typical Republican. He can’t spell, can’t punctuate and doesn’t know jack about politics or economics. Wait. He knows just a little bit…and a little bit of knowledge…can be dangerous.

He knows something about politics and economics but really everything about political economy he wrote up there doesn’t even make sense.

Almost all Republicans are basically right on this guy’s insipid level and an extremely large number of political independents are just like this too.

Take away the partisan crap about Republicans and unfortunately a Hell of a lot of Democrats talk like this too.

This is why I basically hardly talk to Americans anymore. Anytime I start talking about politics, I either get a completely dumbfounded expression, or if they know anything about politics at all, almost all of them sound something like this guy.

I guess America is just hopeless.