Types of Genderqueer

Posted on the 17 January 2014 by Calvinthedog

From the famous feminist scholar Judith Butler’s website, The Social Construction of Gender.

1. Both man and woman (example: androgyne)

2. Neither man nor woman (agender, neutrois, non-gendered).

3. Moving between two or more genders (gender fluid).

4. Third gendered or other-gendered (includes those who prefer “genderqueer” or “non-binary” to describe their gender without labeling it otherwise).

5. Having an overlap or blur of gender and orientation and/or sex…(girlfags and guydykes)

6. Those who “queer” gender, in presentation or otherwise, who may or may not see themselves as non-binary or having a gender that is queer; this category may also include those who are consciously political or radical in their understanding of being genderqueer.

Excuse me, but this is sheer batshittery. The Cultural Left, in particular the Gay Lobby, has only started their Long March. Their demands will become increasingly offensive and bizarre and will probably be interminable. Society is giving way to a lot of the Gay Lobby’s demands (and some of this is correct as in gay marriage) but believe me, you haven’t seen the end of this. This is only the beginning.

I do not know Judith Butler well, but in researching a lot of famous radical feminists, I came to the conclusion that many of these women appear to be mentally ill in some way. The hatred of men is so bizarre, over the top and insane that it really seems like psychopathology. A few famous radical feminists have actually called for reducing the number of males in society through various means. How they propose to go about this, I have no idea. “Lesbian separatists” are definitely bigots and may be mentally ill. If you hate men so much that you want to live in a world that has no men in it, that seems like psychopathology to me.

I know it is a cliche, but you would be surprised how many radical feminists have praised Valerie Solanis’ SCUM Manifesto as a brilliant radical feminist classic. The Hell it is. The woman had paranoid schizophrenia, and she shot and almost killed Andy Warhol for no reason. Warhol had serious health problems for the rest of his life due to this loon. Her insane manifesto logically flows right out of her mental illness

I would go so far as to say that most “political lesbians” or “lesbian feminists” are not mentally healthy. What is really going on here is a case of women who hate men so much that they simply turn into lesbians. Nope, they weren’t born that way. They used to be straight and they turned lesbian out of fear and hatred of men, and they could turn straight again anytime they want to. They could even use the falsely discredited conversion therapy to help them become heterosexual again. After all, conversion therapy can work in motivated women.

I do not like the Religious Right very much, but they often tell the truth about homosexuality and the Gay Lobby. What is sad is that the only people who are telling the truth about homosexuality and the Gay Lobby are themselves a bunch of nuts. Once again American society is polarized between two nutty poles, the kooky Gay Lobby and the offensive Religious Right. As with race, there is no middle ground for the sane people.

Looking at the list, how can you be both a man and a woman at the same time? Forget it. You’re one or the other.

How can you be neither a man nor a woman? You mean there are males, females and “others?” What sense does that make?

How can you move between male and female? If this is Sunday, then I must be a man. If it’s Tuesday, then I must be a woman. If it’s Thursday, this must be Paris. Come on! You’re either a man or a woman. You can’t change from man to woman every other day like you change your underwear.

What the Hell is a third gender? You mean there are males, females and genderqueers? Screw that.

What in God’s name is a girlfag or a guydyke? That’s so weird.

How in the Hell can you “queer” gender? “Hi, my name is Bob and I queer gender.” What does that mean?

You know, back when I was growing up, we called these people “freaks” and “weirdos.” That’s exactly what they are.

I also suspect that many of these genderqueer “things” or “its” are actually dealing with some sort of mental illness. If you can’t figure out if you’re male or female, in a lot of cases, I would suspect that there’s something wrong with your head. Why? Because normal people know whether they are males or females. It’s not something we go round and round about. It’s as clear as air.

All of these people are insane.