Two Whole Years

By Winterthorn
TWO WHOLE YEARS. It's been two whole years since I launched We Too Were Children, Mr. Barrie. I may not post as often as I wanted to in the beginning, (I thought I'd get a new author up a week!) and I may not have posted in a while (almost two months since my last "real" post), but I'm still here and have lots more planned. (I've partially scanned the long-ago promised The Gnomes of Gnu by Umberto Eco, and hope to have it up next week, emphasis on the "hope.")
For the longest time, especially in the beginning, I often wondered why I was doing it. Was anyone reading? But since then, many of you have let me know how much you appreciate the blog, and that makes it worth it. According to Blogger's built-in stats, I've had over 102,000 page views since the start of the site, and I average about 300 page views a day even when I haven't posted in awhile. I have 134 followers here, and Google Reader tells me I have another 274 followers there. (And that's the extent of my know-how in terms of guesstimating my audience.) Thank you to everyone for reading. Thank you for your words of encouragement. And please keep checking back as I am by no means done.
You may have noticed over on the right that I have two books coming out in the next few months, both a children's picture book and a novel for adults. If you want to stay in the know, see some behind the scenes treats, and keep track of where I'm going to do book signings be sure to Like my Facebook page. (Stephen King said of my novel, “Bold, innovative, and thrilling – The Twenty-Year Death crackles with suspense and will keep you up late.”) This is going to be a very exciting year. Thank you all.
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