The public still disapproves of the job Donald Trump is doing -- by a large margin. That's the verdict of two new polls. The CBS News Poll shows Trump disapproval at 58% and approval at 36% -- a negative gap of 22 points. The CNN News Poll shows Trump disapproval at 56% and approval at 38% -- a negative gap of 18 points.
Trump has repeatedly attacked the media, and he has tweeted his tiny heart out, but he has not convinced the American people that he is competent, capable, or honest -- and they still don't trust him to run the country.
The CBS News Poll was done between August 3rd and 6th of a random national sample of 1,111 adults, with a 4 point margin of error.
The CNN News / SSRS Poll was done between August 3rd and 6th of a random national sample of 1,018 adults, with a 3.6 point margin of error.