Two New Polls Have Hillary Clinton Looking Good

Posted on the 17 December 2014 by Jobsanger

The charts above are from a new Monmouth University Poll done between December 10th and 14th of a random national sample of 1,008 adults. It has a margin of error of 5 points for Democrats and 4.9 points for Republicans.
I especially like this survey because the respondents were not given a choice between a list of candidates, but were just asked who their preference was for the 2016 nomination. That makes it a bit more likely that the person they named is actually their real preference.
But the results are not really that different from what numerous other polls have shown. Hillary Clinton is far ahead of any other possible Democratic candidate. And there is no real favorite among the numerous Republican possibilities (with no GOP candidate getting even 10% support.
The charts below were from another new presidential preference poll -- the McClatchy-Marist Poll that was done between December 3rd and 9th of a random national sample of 1,140 adults. The margin of error is 5.2 points for Republicans and 4.7 points for Democrats. In this survey, the respondents were asked to choose from a list of candidates, and that is probably why the numbers are a little bit larger.
But the results show the same thing. Hillary Clinton has a very large lead among Democrats, and there is still no real favorite among Republicans (with no one even getting to the 20% mark).
They also asked poll respondents to choose their preference between Clinton and some of the leading GOP candidates -- and Clinton lead them all by double-digits. It's still a long way until the primaries are held and/or the general election, but right now Hillary Clinton is looking golden.