Two-nation Theory Reloaded

Posted on the 21 May 2013 by Azharnadeem

These days the residents of Pakistan are living in type of group.

1. Pro Talban group.

This group consists of JUI, MDM, ASWJ, LEJ, SSP, TTP. Some parties which are although not directly related to these extremist groups but they have soft corner and have some ties with them. This group has their own definition of Islam. They want to implement their own version of Islam in whole Pakistan at gun point. They are in power because of terror, corruption, harassment. Whoever is not WITH THEM is labeled as Kafir (unbeliever), wajib ol qatal. For them killing of fellow Muslims is reward if that Muslim is not from their firqa.

 2. Anti Talban group.

This group includes Brelvi Sunni, neutral Deobandis, Shia and almost all Pakistanis who are liberal and educated. They want peaceful progressive Pakistan where people of all religions and sects can live freely and perform their worship without any fear of being gun shot or blast.

Its up to the guardians of Pakistan, the Pakistan army to stop pro Taliban group from hijacking the country at gun point otherwise this nation will go into Gorilla warfare. All anti Taliban Pakistanis will be assassinated or will become Taliban themselves. Army will be on borders protecting the graveyard of anti Taliban Pakistani. Army please we don’t want this democracy where only might is right. Army please come and take over. Please army SAVE PAKISTAN from these kharjis. Let us live and LOVE PAKISTAN.