Two Muslims Murder British Solder Lee Rigby.

By Harry @web_pensioner

Rest in peace Fusilier Lee Rigby

Fusilier Lee Rigby was murdered in broad daylight on the streets of Woolwich, London in front of other people and passing traffic. He was going back to barracks and was only a few minutes away when he was attacked.

The two murdering scum were Muslims, with nothing on their minds other than murdering a British solder.

Michael Adebolajo, 29, and co-accused Michael Adebowale, 22

These two pieces of human garbage ran over him with their car, one started to use a meat claver on his throat and nearly cut his head of while the other used a butchers knife to cut up his body.

I hope these two low life scum who call themselves Muslims and insult the Islamic religion get whole life sentence’s and they will not be able to harm any-one else. 

They should also jail the preacher and the brother who would not condemn the murder, two more low life’s crawling the streets of Briton.