Two Million Iphone 5 Pre-ordered in 24 Hours

Posted on the 17 September 2012 by Azharnadeem

IPhone 5 has started of very well. Initially it won a legal duel against Samsung Galaxy SIII and now has received over 2 million preorders in just 24 hours. It has become fastest selling apple device.  The unsurpassed demand has pushed delivery date for some of pre-orders to next month. An apple statement revealed these statistics.

Pre-orders “have shattered the previous record held by iPhone 4S, and the customer response to iPhone 5 has been phenomenal,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president.

Apple is becoming accustomed to such opening day records. The previous two Apple products IPhone 4S and Mac book pro sold over one million units on opening day. Apple is confident that majority of IPhone 5 pre-orders will be delivered as pledged by September 21. However, quite a few will be delivered until October.

AT&T has said that IPhone 5 is the fastest selling product company has ever offered. Analysts have termed that IPhone 5 demand is beyond expectations.

“Given the much stronger-than-expected iPhone 5 pre-order sales, we expect a meaningful jump in the three-day sales results for the iPhone 5 compared to the over 4 million iPhone 4S weekend sales last year,” analysts said

Even after two million pre-orders long queues are expected on Friday September 21, the day when IPhone 5 will formally go on sale. Latest gadget will go on sale September 28 in 22 countries other than USA, UK, Germany and France.

Analysts have predicted that more than 30 million additional iPhones will be out in the market by the end of September 2012. IPhones contribute to more than 50% of Apple’s revenue.

IPhone 5 was facing a stiff competition from rival device Samsung Galaxy SIII but a court ruling barred Samsung sale in United. This gave IPhone a big comparative advantage over its rival.