Two Lick Creek Reservoir–1/10/2012

By Timschreckengost @timshrek

Two Lick Creek Reservoir on 1/10/2012

After birding Yellow Creek SP Tuesday morning, Lee (one of the Todd Bird Club members) and I headed to Two Lick Creek Reservoir to check for waterfowl. We birded the reservoir from 12:10 pm to 1:15 pm. The reservoir is deeper than the lake at Yellow Creek, therefore will freeze later in the year. There was no ice on the water and we were able to find a couple of species of waterfowl including Hooded Merganser and American Black Duck. The highlight though, was a flyover adult Bald Eagle as soon as we walked down to the water. We were only able to find eight species in the hour we were birding, but it was nice to find a new body of water to bird in the area. Here is a complete list from the morning:

Canada Goose, 54
American Black Duck, 2
Mallard, 4
Hooded Merganser, 4
Common Merganser, 2
Bald Eagle, 1
Pileated Woodpecker, 1
American Crow, 2
