Hey Eric & Sookie Lovers!
With the return of True Blood – expect us to give you links to recaps and reviews from each episode!
Two of our favorite Eric & Sookie lovin’ bloggers have posted recaps and reviews for True Blood’s Season 4 premiere episode, “She’s Not There”!
Let’s find out what they said…
The first recap comes to you, courtesy of the Sookieverseblog, where MASpencer is up to her usual tricks again! If you’re not familiar with her recaps – you will be by the time Season 4 ends!
You can read her recap of the first episode here!
The second recap is from TBRantsandRaves – another favorite blogger of ours, who tosses in a little humor, mixed with speculation and the results are a winning recipe! She is a die-hard Eric & Sookie lover, mostly known for writing her blog series about Eric & Sookie: HEA Parts 1, 2 & 3 – which can be found here on the site! We’re sure you’ll love her recaps as much as you love Eric & Sookie!
You can read her recap here!
Thank you very much to both bloggers for sharing their opinion(s) and writing great recaps!
Do you agree or disagree with what they said?
Sound off below!