Two Blocks

Posted on the 02 October 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

New York. There is probably no other city in the U.S. that so personifies and represents America and the American spirit. Yet it is also not like any other city in the country, thus giving visitors and residents a potentially inaccurate sense of life in America. On the “this embodies America” side of the equation is the hectic pace of life, the “go get ‘em” attitude, and a devotion to markets and capitalism displayed in a vibrant business culture.

The other  side, that isn’t typical of the rest of America, includes an unrivaled panoply of people, and the incredible population density in which they live and work. New York is also unique for convenience; in other words, using that oh so evolutionarily important trait of homosapiens – walking – to get around. Not only do you not need a car, you are dis-incentivized to own one. In fact not only do you not need a car but all you really need it two blocks. I may be embellishing somewhat but it seems that most of what I need is within two blocks from where I live in Manhattan. Now that’s convenient.

I’ll be sure to elucidate further in future posts.
