TWJ Interviews: Chris Uhde – VP Impex Beverages

By Josh Peters @TheWhiskeyJug

Here we go with something new. Today marks the release of the first episode of my new interview series where we get to know the people who make the whiskey industry what it is. I hope you enjoy the journey we’re about to go on! Episode one is live. You can see the video below as well as Mr. Uhde’s responses.

  1. What’s the most memorable drink you’ve ever had? (toast at child’s wedding, birth, on a trip, whatever)
    The Macallan Lalique 60 year old in the bottom of the Aria Hotel in Vegas.
  2. What’s the most transformative moment in your career?
    When I started doing volunteer curation at the Daily Pint in Santa Monica. It was where I started establishing my name in whisky.
  3. Do you have a favorite artist? Writer, painter, pottery maker, etc?
    If so what draws you to them? I don’t know if I have a favorite, I enjoy art as a single instance experience. I absorb what I am able to and then move forward as a slightly changed person. I ain’t too complex in my thoughts.
  4. What about favorite movie or book?
    Reading has never been easy for me so books are not really a thing, however I love listening to authors talk about their books because I appreciate their insight into relationships and situations. Movie…… Spirited Away – Hayao Miyazaki
  5. What’s the accomplishment you’re most proud of? (career, life, hobby, whatever)
    The life I have created in Los Angeles. Wonderful family, fulfilling career, good friends. I am living my best years ever now and it is nothing like anything I would have dreamed when I was young.
  6. Let’s say you had to give up your current career and you had the resources and time to start over pursuing any career you wanted. What would you do?
    Wow, so this is one I have to think about, but knee jerk reaction is to open a street taco combo Philly cheese steak shop in Japan.
  7. Do you have any hobbies, obsessions or collections that extend beyond the booze world?
    I fucking love playing soccer. I play whenever I can despite being slow and clumsy.
  8. What’s your typical Friday night look like?
    Hang with my wife and kid. The good life.
  9. What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
    Soda Water or Coffee
  10. What’s the most memorable meal of your life?
    Taking my Mom out for Wagyu steak and anything else she wanted on the menu. She is my hero and deserves everything in the world.
  11. 2 openers and one headliner; what’s your dream concert?
    Queen with original lineup opens, the 1960’s James Brown follows and then The Who headlines
  12. You have 30 days with nothing to do and an unlimited budget, what would be your dream vacation/travel itinerary?
    Either intense tour of Japan or Spain/ Portugal
  13. Finally, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given (life, career, whatever) that you’d like to share with folks?
    Your child/ children will grow faster than you think, don’t miss it.