TWIW, Girls Gone Sporty & PlankADay

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
Before I throw down another weekly installment of "This Week in Workouts" (#TWIW), I have some exciting news to share! I have been selected as a new Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador. YAY! The very best thing that has happened to me since I started this little blog adventure is the awesome people I have had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with. Becoming a #GirlsGoneSporty Ambassador is another one of these opportunities! You can check them out HERE and let me know if you are interested in applying so I can put in a good word for you!! I am really excited to join this community to support, encourage and motivate, as well as be inspired by others.
Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador Badge
I was talking to my mom on the phone on Thursday and she kept asking me where I was and what my schedule was like. I told her not to take out a pen and paper and take some detailed notes of my whereabouts for the next two weeks because my life will be an absolute roller coaster. We are opening three..yes THREE new clubs this week and then I am running a half marathon on Sunday in Ottawa. I am so excited for the next week. GoodLife pretty much rules the Canadian Fitness world. In fact, 1 in 45 Canadians are GoodLife members. This is a big deal.
I am so very lucky to work with some of the finest people I know. Despite being busier that I have ever been in my 10 years with GoodLife, we still find time for our workouts. Whether it is late in the day or early in the morning, for 20 minutes or 90 minutes-we get them DONE!!
Tuesday- Tabata sprints, squats, lunges, back & plankaday
Wednesday- Tabata sprints deadlifts, chest press, biceps/tricpes & plankaday
Thursday-Tabata sprints front squats, dumb bell rows, swiss ball hamstring curls & plankaday
Saturday-sumo squats, chest press, dumb bell rows, tricep extensions, pushups, med ball twists & plankaday
Sunday-5km run outside
The reason I am not providing additional details regarding reps/sets etc is that it would just take too long! If you want any more detail connect with my via email and I am happy to send you some additional details.
You will never regret a workout. The hardest part is getting to the point when you are working out! Sometimes it is easy to get to they gym, but most of the time it is hard. But I think we can all agree, it's so totally worth it. I already have my workouts planned out for the next week, I really find having a plan in advance helps me stay on track. I have two more runs planned before my Army Run half marathon next Sunday.
TWIW, Girls Gone Sporty & PlankADay
Quote of the week from Kyle "Keep turning down Kit Kats". I happened to be on the phone with Kyle when a co-worker offered me a mini Kit Kat, which I politely declined. Kyle and I will be working out together tomorrow morning at 7am so I can get my workout in before I head off to Guelph for a club opening. I have mentioned this before, but I feel it is worth mentioning again...I definitely do NOT recommend working with a trainer any less than twice per week. I know I am not following my own advice, however my schedule this fall really doesn't allow for regular training sessions. Right now. It will.
I am doing some food prep for this week. I just finished a batch of Paleo Pumpkin Spice Cookies and I am just about to make a batch of Lil Brekkies to take to work this week. I also am prepping some gluten free chicken and spinach pesto as well as veggies and greek yogurt dip. I am borderline obsessed with cooking and eating things with pumpkin in them. If you have a pumpkin-y recipe you love,  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to share it so I can try it and love it too. I might have to make it next week though...
Lastly, I am still plugging away at my 100 minutes planking challenge! I made a huge dent this weekend, planking for 5 minutes (5 one minute intervals) yesterday and doing the SAME thing again today! I have 63 minutes & 44 seconds of planking to go this month. Who else is planking out there?

As always, I encourage you guys to share your own TWIW here on my blog! How were your workouts this past week? Celebrate, brag or whatever you want to call it! Cheers to another fab week of working out!
Happy Reading,