
By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
I thought I would keep it simple this week and summarize my workouts in one post and call it TWIW (This Week in Workouts):
Tuesday- PT Session
Wednesday- Off
Thursday- 5km Run
Friday -PT Session
Saturday- Hot Yoga
Sunday- TBA (I hope to get to my friend Joanne's BodyStep class...Jo if you read this bbm me to make plans!!)
My PT session yesterday, was a bit of a disaster. Kyle is out of town this weekend at a wedding, so I am not sure he will have a chance to blog about this, but I left the gym yesterday saying "I am going home to google that combination of exercises because I am pretty sure they shouldn't all be together in one workout". Ya, it was that tough. Our workout followed the 6-12-25 format. This means that we do three different exercises. The first, for 6 reps at a fairly heavy weight. Then the second for 12 reps at moderately heavy weight. Third for 25 reps at a relatively light weight. Then I rest for 90 seconds and then we switch exercises for 4 rounds.
6 reps follows TUT 4-1 elevated alternating lunges & lat pull down
12 reps follows TUT 3-1 front squats & seated row
25 reps follows TUT 2-1 single leg press & 75 second rope pulls
(TUT = Time Under Tension)
I had slept fairly well the night before and eaten a breakfast that I would normally eat before a workout. The only thing I can think of is that the workout was extra tough. Which is a good thing, in order to get results and all that jazz, you need to push yourself that little bit extra. This is one of the reasons I wanted a personal trainer in the first place. I was the whole light headed and nauseous thing towards the end. I actually checked with Kyle at one point to make sure his First Aid & CPR training was valid just in case. It wasn't until I got home and ate a meal and drank a ton of water that I started to feel better. I actually woke up this morning (Saturday) not feeling very well, so I may be battling a cold or something as well. I decided to go to hot yoga to try and "sweat it out". Good call. I do feel a lot better.
I am now drinking water with ice, lemon, lime and oranges in it and watching Olympic swimming. I am hopefully heading to the driving range a bit later with Eric and to the dog park with Grando.
I hope everyone gets out there and has a lovely weekend. :o)
I will not become an Olympics vegetable.
I will not become an Olympics vegetable.
I will not become an Olympics vegetable.
I will not become an Olympics vegetable.
I will not...

Just Me+