Twitter Rules for Dummies Now Short and Sweet Like a Tweet for You

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Twitter Rules for Dummies

Do you wish the Twitter rules for dummies was short and sweet like a tweet? Just the other day Twitter updated their rules to be easier for all to understand. Or, so they said.

I was very excited to see this as many people have been messaging me or emailing me about their Twitter suspension. These people wondered what they did to deserve such punishment via Twitter.

Twitter seemed to come down harder on peeps this past year than ever before. I often wondered what was happening.

So, when I saw the headline in my Google alert that the Twitter rules were updated and shortened I was very excited! I had to research more for my readers at Inspire To Thrive.

I was very excited to see this as many people have been messaging me or emailing me about their Twitter suspension and wondering what they did to deserve such punishment via Twitter. #Twittertips Click To Tweet

Twitter Users Not Getting Answers Anymore

Here is a sample from Jourdan who wrote in to me on the blog here about their Twitter account being suspended. It's a sample of many that I received after writing an updated post about Twitter jail back in 2017.

Afterall, I ended up in Twitter jail a few times over the years. But now other Twitter users were not getting any feedback, or so they have said.

Twitter had not been as responsive as they were in the past. Some issues included:

If your account has been limited - do check out the link via Twitter to help you! This link will lead to a form that submits a ticket if you cannot login or to report a problem.

  • Not having a mobile phone number associated with their Twitter account.
  • No emails associated with their Twitter account. Or loss of passwords which is an easier fix!
  • Breaking the rules 🙁 Obvious to some and not to others!

And, no I do not have the phone number to Jack Dorsey!

Yes, I've actually been been asked that several times over the recent months.

The Twitter Commitments

So, why is Twitter doing all this now? The word is Commitment! They claim they want to be fair, informative, responsive and accountable. Sounds great, right?

Afterall, I ended up in Twitter jail a few times over the years. #Twitterrules Click To Tweet

I hope Twitter will be more responsive going forward. Anyone that has reached out to me I suggest you do go thru the link above if you believe you did not break the Twitter rules! For those that did I am sorry but you will not be able to get your Twitter account back.

  • Fair - We will enforce our rules impartially and consistently, considering the context involved.
  • Informative - Twitter will inform you about actions taken against your account and why.
  • Responsive - You can appeal decisions that have impacted your account.
  • Accountable - We will be transparent about actions we take to promote healthy public conversation. Therefore, by publicly reporting the metrics we are using to measure health and by publishing a regular transparency report around violations of our rules.

I sure hope these Twitter rules for dummies will make it easier on you now!

What Are Some Things Twitter Deems Rule Breaking?

How is Twitter Enforcing Their Twitter Rules for Dummies Now?

According to the Twiter rules page this is what they have to say:

"We start from a position of assuming that people do not intend to violate our Rules. Unless a violation is so egregious that we must immediately suspend an account. We first try to educate people about our Rules. Then, we give them a chance to correct their behavior.

  • Behavior that is directed at an individual, group, or protected category of people;
  • The report has been filed by the target of the abuse or a bystander;
  • Users that have a history of violating our policies;
  • The severity of the violation;
  • Content that may be a topic of legitimate public interest.
  • Spamming the Twitter feed.
  • Direct message spamming.
  • Follow and unfollow at face pace or through automation.
  • Posting the same tweets on duplicate accounts that you own.
  • Username squatting - A new term you can read more below on.
  • Buying or selling usernames.

Then, we show violators the offending Tweet(s), explain which Rule was broken. Finally, we require them to remove the content before they can Tweet again.

If someone repeatedly violates our Twitter Rules, then our enforcement actions become stronger. This includes requiring violators to remove the Tweet(s) and taking additional actions. Actions like verifying account ownership and/or temporarily limiting their ability to Tweet for a set time period."

If someone continues to violate Rules beyond that point, then their account may be permanently suspended.

Twitter Rules for Dummies on Spamming the Feed

Many users do not understand the spamming term for Twitter. So, exactly what does spam to Twitter mean today?

You may not send automated Tweets or Direct Messages that or otherwise engage in spamming activity.

If someone continues to violate Rules beyond that point, then their account may be permanently suspended. #Twitterrules Click To Tweet

Some examples of spammy behavior to avoid with automation include:

Did you know attempts to sell, buy, or solicit other forms of payment in exchange for usernames are also violations? Hence, they may result in permanent Twitter account suspension.

That's why I've always recommended mixing your tweets up! For example, when I schedule them in with Agorapulse I try to mix up something even if ever so slight. I haven't had my Twitter account suspended since using this social media management tool.

Many of you may know about those nasty automated DM's like Mitch Mitchell who wrote about them back in 2016. Of course, I know many of you would love to see them disappear!

  • Trending topics: You may not automatically post about trending topics on Twitter. That includes the use of automation to attempt to influence or manipulate trending topics.
  • Multiple posts/accounts: You may not post duplicative or substantially similar tweets on one account or over multiple accounts you operate.
  • Username Squatting - Please note that if an account has had no updates, no profile image, and there is no intent to mislead, it typically means there's no name-squatting or impersonation. Note that we will not release squatted usernames except in cases of trademark infringement.

Automation for Twitter Rules

Bloggers and brands especially love automation for their tweets. As a social media manager I cannot blame them. Social media takes time! So, what are YOU to do?

First, you cannot like tweets in any automated way. I'm glad I don't even know how to do this one.

Second, bulk or aggressive re-tweeting can be in violation of the Twitter rules for dummies. Twitter states you can " Retweet or Quote Tweet in an automated manner for entertainment, informational, or novelty purposes." So if you are being informational, you are okay!

Third, you can not automate follow or unfollowing in bulk, aggressive or in an indisriminate manner. Hmm, what exactly does indiscriminate manner mean? That appears a little vague to me.

Lastly, do not automate your adding to lists or collections. Another task many may not even know how to do.

I see Jeff Bullas only tweeting his own stuff and over and over. He can do this because he provides informational tweets. And he tweets often! (At least every 15 minutes he has a tweet in his stream.) But, be careful as you only have 2,400 tweets per day set by Twitter rules. If you go over that amount, you may get a suspension.

[FREE Video Training] Learn how to structure the perfect inbound marketing campaign for your business.

- Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas) June 8, 2019

What About Twitter Follower Counts in the Twitter Rules For Dummies?

You can read more details on the Twitter following rules here. These Twitter rules for dummies can still be quite complicated!

Twitter Automation Tools

Does this mean you cannot use a few automation tools left to do this? If you use them to a minimum you should be fine. In fact, I've been using Tweepsmap for that. They send out emails weekly that shows who unfollows you and you can unfollow them when you log in. There is a FREE version and of course, a paid verison of Tweepsmap. Now, please just use it SPARINGLY! (And at your own risk!)

Thanks for the Twitter tool tip! @tweepsmap

- Martin Lindeskog🗽🌐💎☕️🍵🙃 (@Lyceum) May 30, 2019

  • Following (daily): The technical follow limit is 400 per day. Please note that this is a technical account limit only, and there are additional rules prohibiting aggressive following behavior. But if you have an old verified account that amount is up to 1,000 per day.
  • Following (account-based): Once an account is following 5,000 other accounts, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios. And, it gets more complicated than that!
  • Every Twitter account can follow up to 5,000 accounts. Once you reach that number, you may need to wait until your account has more followers before you can follow additional accounts.
  • This number is different for each account and is automatically calculated based on your unique ratio of followers to following. Sounds like a magic number, right?

What's The Average Peep on Twitter To Do?

Be yourself. If you want to be informative tweet with link. Or, to be personal you can add a photo.

It's a beautiful day to kick off parade season in Sartell!#paradeselfie

- Benton Co. Sheriff (@BentonMNSheriff) June 8, 2019

Then, if you want to be funny add a video or GIF image.

These Twitter rules for dummies can still be quite complicated! #twitterrules Click To Tweet

Our furry friends love donuts too! @JobiTheLab #FridayFeeling #satisfied #Happy #joyfulwarrior

- Jobi The Lab (@JobiTheLab) June 7, 2019

But, always be polite!

Next, be sure not to auto follow or unfollow others. Lastly, don't publish other's private information or try to manipulate others via your tweets. Sounds simple, right?

If you are going to use any tools to automate your Twitter account be sure to use them sparingly. Of course, you can use scheduling tools as long as you mix up your tweets from time to time. If the tweets are informational like Jeff Bullas, you will be okay.

Can You Get An Old Twitter Username?

No, you are not able to. I'd love to have Lisapats but someone registered that years ago and never used it. Twitter does NOT accept requests to obtain old user names for your Twitter handle.

The same goes for the old Twitter verifcation process. Still, it is not active. Twitter had not activated that in almost 3 years now.

Over to YOU on the Twitter Rules for Dummies

Do you keep up with the Twitter rules for dummies or do you just tweet away? Are you using any automation tools for your tweets?

Maybe, you could reserve your kids Twitter handle now?

For fear that you could be suspended by Twitter, are you doing anything different today than in the past?

Now, I'd love to know more in the comments. Be sure to share this post on your social networks.

Twitter does NOT accept requests to obtain old user names for your Twitter handle. #Twitterfacts Click To Tweet