Twitter Divided Over C-section Vs Vaginal Birth: Doc Explains Pros and Cons of Both

Posted on the 12 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

When coming to the birth of a baby, there is always a debate about whether Caesar’s birth is a ‘easier’ choice, because some mothers do not want to bear the pain of giving birth to the vagina.There is also a school of thought that suggests c-section shipping is an operation that saves lives that can and may only occur when patients and doctors have run out of all other choices to ensure natural delivery.

This debate recently spilled on Twitter, where certain tweets became viral, which claimed that C-Section “is now a way to avoid labor pain”. Twitter users @neurochauhan alias doctor Thalamus say women do not understand that children born through C-Section “are vulnerable to type-1 diabetes, obesity, asthma and cognition reduction”. And that “the only indication of Caesarean is when the life of the mother or fetus is at risk”.
Defending this claim, Twitter user Dr. Somya Gupta (@dr_somyagupta) writes that there is no need to humiliate the pain during childbirth, and that women deserve a comfortable and uncomfortable experience.The doctor added that “Caesar [shipping] was not done only to save lives”. “Kaosare can be done based on mother’s request, also, given the horrific and unexpected consequences of so many vaginal labor,” he tweeted.That causes a raging debate about the pros and cons of each, and which is the best way to bring life to this world – which does not cause health damage to both the mother or baby.

In a separate tweet, Dr. Somya Gupta called @neurochauhan and said, “Maybe a neurosurgeon should try to improve the tears of perineum very complete to see what women left after the traumatic vaginal delivery. By the way, pain is not something that must be borne by women – both in childbirth, sex, menstruation, or any chronic pain. “ contacts Dr. Neha Gupta, Senior Consultant, Midwifery and Gynecology in Fortis Hospital, Noida for Answer, and he explains that vaginal labor is often considered” the way chosen by nature to give birth to babies “, because where the Caesar section is a part Caesar is the part of the caesarean is Caesarean is a caesareranean considered as a ‘taboo’.

“However, with better surgery facilities, safer antibiotics and anesthesia, C-section is a safe delivery method. In some pregnant women, vaginal labor is not safe for mothers or babies, or both. If the obstetrician who treats has suggested that cesarean section is needed for safe delivery, then patients and servants should not worry, “he said.The doctor added that the recovery time after cesarean section “can take several days more than vaginal childbirth, but the purpose of antenatal care is to have a healthy mother and a healthy baby at the end of 9 months”

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