Twilight in Oasis

By Nuttercouture23 @AnikaLovelace
                 (gifted coat, Reverse jeans, Urban Republic purse, vintage sweater & boots, rings: flea market & souvenir from Poland)
First of all - I had some issues with net and some personal problems but it's fixed now, so I can continue blogging...
Few days a go I heard that swans came to lake Bundek, the city lake in one of my two neighborhoods, so I just had to go to see them. There are two big white swans, few medium and brown and many baby swans (a.k.a. ugly ducklings from the story, but they're not ugly, they are so sweet). I came to the beach and the biggest one approached to me so close, I just had to take snapshot, but I frightened him with my camera (Bitch! ;P). I collected some interesting stones and played a little bit with them and with this ring that my mom brought from Poland (real silver & amber).  Lately I came to the swimming safeguard's tower to watch the lake. It look so beautiful during the sunset and twilight, especially rippling water of the swan's swimming traces. Suddenly, I felt so nostalgic for summer time when me & my friends are walking there, swimming, eating ice cream while sunbathing, having BBQ... Isn't it ironic - during summertime I miss swans on this lake and during the autumn/winter I miss summer fun...but at least I like this place during any time of the year.
P.S. Do you believe in ghosts??? My friend says that this dots on first two photos are water ghosts while I'm sticked to theory that it's just moldy steamy lens.....