Twilight: Book Vs. Movie

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Okay, so with the newest and last “Twilight” film being released this week, we wanted to have some fun with it. So many of you read the books, and waited patiently for the movies, but I can’t say that was my situation. When “New Moon” the movie was released back in fall 2009, many of my good friends( including Amanda) were going to the midnight showing. I had watched some of the “Twilight” movie at this point, but I was just excited to go because I LOVE midnight showings. Then, after watching “New Moon”, and being interested in “Twilight”, I started the books.

“Twilight” is such a sweet love story. I know that sounds simple… but thats exactly how I would describe the first book. I will outright say I don’t think this series is the best written, but it still is an exciting story that kept me up all night finishing it. I do think Stephanie Meyer does a great job making those ” first love butterflies” feel very real and it definitely brought me back to high school and my first love( also my now super amazing husband). I couldn’t wait to move on to the next book, and luckily because I was late to jump on the bandwagon of Twihards, I didn’t have to wait to finish the series.