Twelve Scorpio Paintings

By Luphil

On the lower levels of awareness, Scorpio stands for darkness and loss of consciousness. When we lose ourselves in the outer life, the light of the soul disappears; we are trapped. Especially in the month of Scorpio we should withdraw from unimportant activities and delve more into meditation. It is on inner levels where we can experience much light and bring it into everyday life. Scorpio thus offers the opportunity to encounter and overcome our undesired patterns.

The symbolism of Scorpio is visualised in the twelve Scorpio paintings done between 2010 and 2021. For detailed detailed descriptions please see the website.

Scorpio – Eagle and Serpent
4 September 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work Scorpio – The Dark Mother and the Consequences of Blindness
01 August 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work Scorpio – The Ascent of the Serpents Through the Pituitary Hint
14 July 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work Scorpio – The Tree of Life and the Androgynous Man
16 July 2013, pencils and photo work Scorpio – The Master of the Violet Flame
09 July 2014, pencils and photo work Scorpio – The Heart of the Turtle
13 July 2015, pencils and photo work Scorpio – Mars the Kumara and the Six-Armed Cross
18 July 2016, pencils and photo work Scorpio – Fall of the Spirit and Birth into the Egg of Space
25 July 2017, pencils and photo work Scorpio – The Seven Kingdoms of Nature
21 July 2018, pencils and photo work Scorpio – Ascent of the Winged Serpent
8 July 2019, pencils and photo work Scorpio – The Journey of the Disciple
23 July 2020, pencils and photo work Scorpio – Guarding the Threshold to the Underworld
6 August 2021, pencils and photo work