Tweeter Wants You to Make This Disgusting “lincoln” Pic Go Viral

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A nobody named Joe Bernstein (@basher) is on Twitter. On March 24, 2015, Bernstein flatulated this tweet to his 2,694 followers, of a fat naked man engaged in an obscene act with the head of a statue, with the message:

please, for the love of god, help me make #lincolning go viral

By #lincolning, Joe Bernstein is referring to the obscene act that the chubby naked guy was doing to what Bernstein thinks is the statue of President Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

In other words, Bernstein is applauding and encouraging the desecration of President Lincoln.

Sadly, Bernstein is mistaken. The statue isn’t that of Abraham Lincoln.

It’s the statue of Alexander Graham Bell in the front portico of the Bell Telephone Building of Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) is the Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone.

And so, both the tubby man and Joe Bernstein (assuming Bernstein isn’t the fat naked guy himself) are actually dissing the statue of the inventor of the telephone.

Bernstein calls himself a “reporter for BuzzFeed.”
