Tweet Topic Explorer: a Map for the Most Common Words Used in Your Tweets

By Onthatpage

If you could see your twitter lifetime timeline and make a graphic with the most frequently used words.. what do you think is the most named word on your timeline?! well I have an answer for you! Come and find it out!!

Tweet Topic Explorer retrieves recent tweets for the given ID and displays the most common words used in those tweets. The area of the circles is proportional to the word frequency. Words that are most used together are grouped and given the same color.

Click on a word bubble to see the matching tweets on a list on the right. You can explore tweets of a different user just entering the id on the bottom of the site. You can check twitter lists too!

You must have your twitter account unprotected or it doesn’t work as is intended!

This is an example of our twitter account explored!

Well enough talk! get in here and try it out !!

[Tweet Topic Explorer website]

Don’t miss the opportunity to check out your friends twitter, favorite artists twitter or public celebrities to see wha is the most common words!

Cya! remember where did you saw this..   OnThatPage!