TV Shows That Give Me Travel Goals

Posted on the 01 June 2017 by Cheekymeeky

Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

Everyone who travels and loves travelling resonates with this quote. Often while binge watching our favorite TV shows we can't help gape at the beautiful locations where these shows are shot and that's when we have major wanderlust. Here are 5 TV shows that gave me serious travel goals.

  1. The Kettering Incident
    The story of this Tasmanian gothic show revolves around Kettering born and just returned from London Dr. Anna Macy who finds herself inexplicably linked to the disappearance of two girls, fifteen years apart. The otherworldliness of towns like Kettering and Bruny Island in Tasmania is the centerpiece of the show which will you enchanted with the place.
  2. Bloodline
    This dramatic thriller explores the demons lurking beneath the surface of a contemporary American family living in Florida Keys. Their past contains dark secrets that they hope remain buried but their past secrets and scars are revealed when their black sheep of a brother returns home. The color of the water of this paradise on earth and the mystery of what's going on underneath is perfect for the story.
  3. Manhattan
    In 1943, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, a team of government scientists is working on the top-secret Manhattan Project in a race to produce an atomic bomb before the Nazis. Meanwhile, their families adjust to a life on the military base. New Mexico's diverse terrain that encompasses the Chihuahuan Desert and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains is known for its Spanish colonial architecture and is a haven for art and culture lovers
  4. Game of Thrones
    This show needs no introduction. It revolves around several royal families fighting each other for the Iron Throne to gain control of Westeros while a sinister force lurks beyond the Wall in the north. The show has multiple beautiful terrains. One moment you see the characters in an arid desert and the next moment they are in a lush city by the sea. It has been shot in United Kingdom, Canada, Croatia, Iceland, Malta, Morocco, Spain, and the United States. Phew! Major travel plans being made in your head?
  5. Downton Abbey
    This show is A chronicle of the lives of the British aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the early 20th Century. The ambitious desire of Lord Grantham to acquire his ancestral home, Downton Abbey, is crushed by the death of his heir. Is he able to achieve his desire? The beautiful and lush grounds and gardens of the northern English county of Yorkshire that provide the backdrop to many of these scenes are worth visiting. Also Highclere Castle, which allows visitors to tour inside the castle walls and the village of Bampton where other scenes are shot are more reasons to visit this beautiful place.

What TV shows or movies are you currently watching that induce serious wanderlust?