Turn Back Thursday

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax

Fisher Price Classic Phone When I was smaller, I had a Fisher Price classic phone and adored it. I used to love playing with the fun dial on the top and I use to enjoy the phones eyes going up and down. When Maxwell was about 1, we also got him a Fisher price phone. He also loves it and enjoys playing with it on a regular basis.
Rainbow Slinky When I was younger I adored playing with my slinky. I used to make it go down the stairs and it bought a lot of fun to my life. I occasionally needed new ones as I liked to stretch the slinky however  I remember it's bright colours and its uniqueness. I love the fact that you can still purchase them now, when Maxwell is a little older I will look into getting him one. 
Little Tikes Car The Little Tikes car is something that most people will know and love. It was a huge childhood favorite of mine and I love the fact that you are still able to purchase them now in lots of fun colours and designs. They provide hours of entertainment and it is great to see that you can now purchase accessories for them like a petrol pump. 
Classic Playdough Pots
Most children adore playing with Playdough. I know I did as a child but Maxwell also loves to play with it. Playdough has not really changed since I played with it as a child but there are far more accessories now to use to create fun shapes, animals and other imaginative things. 
Classic Kaleidoscope
I loved having a Kaleidoscope when I was smaller. I used to love looking through them and I enjoyed watching all the beautiful colours form and the shapes fall. Maxwell does not have a Kaleidoscope but I am keen to purchase him one.